Friday, June 17, 2011

Walking to Summer

A photo I recently took of a few young ones walking on the beach hoping for warmer temperatures.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Where was that made again?

With an upcoming election, there's a lot of hoopla in vying for position as most patriotic : "USA! USA!", "Go America" and whatnot. But with a considerable fraction of our consumer goods not being made in America, I wanted to create a
"Made in       " flag that had an artistic touch and a bit of controversy.

I hope this inspires thought about where the items you buy come from. The first one uses the hammer and sickle from the USSR's flag with the American red and white strips. The second one has the same layout but with the stars from China's flag. Which one do you like better? Click on the flags to make them bigger.

Monday, June 6, 2011

About Me - Star Wars style

Just having a little fun. You can make you own here.